Saturday, October 11, 2008

Gobal Warming

The term which is used to refer to the warming of the atmosphere near the earth's surface is global warming, in other words global warming is the rise of the earth's temperature. Global warming however is a big issue in which all species linving on the earth are facing. Actions must be taken and this matter should not be neglected, because no one knows to what extend could the consequences reach and how bad the effects could be if global warming continues. What happens during global warming is this, sudden heat waves and periods of unusual warm weather, oceans warming up causing a rise in sea level and coastal floods, glaciers melting and the Arctic and Antarctic warming. And all this has to do with the early spring arrival, drouhts and fires, downpuors and heavy snowfall, plant and animal range shifts and population changes and also the spreading of diseases.

The main cause of what scientists call global warming is pollution and precisely the release of carbon dioxide in the air. what happens is that when CO2 and other polluting gasses are released they collect up in the atmosphere to form a blanket traping the sun's heat and causing the planet to warm up. The two main sources of CO2 pollution are the U.S coal-burning power plants which produce 2,5 billion tons of CO2 every year. Second are automobiles which produce annually 1.5 billion tons of CO2. The U.S however is currently a big issue in the global warming matter since it produces 25% of the world's carbon dioxide.

Reducing the release of pollutant gasses is a big step in stopping global warming from happening, other than that we could use the new technologies available such as enviroment friendly cars (electric cars), also the use of alternative energy source which don't require producing harmful gasses such as solar energy. Many things can be done by every one of us but the main problem is not many people take this matter seriously.

It's not only one who's going to suffer... so think about it !




abdulla alqasemi said...

hi faisal..your blog was intresting.. i agree that the global warming i a big issue for us and that the pollution one of the causes of the global warming but i dont think that all types of pullotion can effect on the global warming , for example water pollution it is effect the animals ang humans too..

keep the good job dude..

your classmate ..

Abdulla Mohamed Al Qasemi..

007 said...

What I liked about your post is that your essay is well organized. First you gave a general idea about the global warming, then you wrote about the causes of the global warming and you concluded most of the causes.I agree totally with you about co2 is most cause of global warming. Keep on the good work and I hope to see your next post.


alqubaisi said...

This essay is well organized. And It includes all the important feilds about the global warming , so I followed it and it helped me alot in my essay thanks for this great essay and I wish u all the best .