Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Carbon Footprint

A Carbon Footprint measures how much land space is required for a person living on earth depending on their lifestyle. Two websites which I used to measure my carbon footprint are:
These websites let you undergo a series of questions about how you live and what you use and also how often. After answering those multiple choice questions you are given a measurement of how much land will be needed to occupy you on Earth.

For me it was a high figure which was 22.63. This meant that I was in no way helping to make global warming any better. However after reading a couple of articles about how to reduce your carbon footprint, I started to realize that simple procedures and changing some habits could make this figure drop. One thing was about using a big engine car while not in need as well as sharing rides could help. Saving some electricity by using energy-saving bulbs and switching off appliances when not in use was also another consideration.

In fact almost every person is capable of reducing his carbon footprint. Look at it in this way, you won't die if you drove a compact 1.8 litre engine car to work daily instead of a 8 cylinder SUV !

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